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Hai' an Jia You Machinery Co., Ltd

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Yimoliangdian art glass lies in beautiful seashore of the city named Qinhuangdao.It draws the quintessence of “glass cradle”, assembles the essence of the sea, devotes itself to the glass artistic creation. We research and develop much glass of craft by oneself, produce carving, etching, precise carving , hot melt, coloured glaze, inlay, stick to stretch, brilliant crystal color, ice and snow and so on. We merge modern art and culture, construct and draw scrolls of the beautiful picture, and becomes large-scale male constructs, the work, the guesthouse, in the family decoration repair as soon as wipes the radiant luminescent spot. Yimoliangdian Art glass possesses advanced factory premises, facilities and craft production lines, pay attention to internal qualitative control and production cost control, follow the principle that consumers first, think about users sincerely, make great efforts to win-win situation that we acquire economic benefits when share customer’s artistic feelings. һĨ���㹤�ղ���λ�������ĺ��������ػʵ�������ȡ“����ҡ��”֮��������۴�֮�����������ڲ������������������з����������ʴ�̡��������ۡ���������Ƕ����Ƭ�����ʡ���ѩ�ȹ��ղ������������ִ��������Ļ���ϣ�������һ���������Ļ�����Ϊ���͹������칫�����ݡ���ͥװ��װ����һĨ�貵����㡣 ����ӵ���Ƚ��ij�����ʩ�빤�������ߣ�ע���ڲ���������������ɱ����ƣ������û����ϵ�ԭ�����ij���Ϊ�û����룬Ŭ���������û������黳����,����Ч��˫Ӯ��